The present project aims to ensure a more eco-friendly lifestyle to our pupils by changing the way they eat, buy things, use energy and travel in the local community. 
     And finally by organising ”green” school exhibitions with work of arts made from natural materials and recycled objects.

- to develop more eco friendly eating habits within their local communities;

- to buy eco friendly products;
- to reduce energy consumption in their homes and schools;

- to use eco friendly means of transport;

- to plant species of flowers and trees specific to their local area;

- to create different objects from recycled materials and from nature and exhibit them in their schools.

          The pupils and the teachers involved will develop and improve their lifestyles to be more ecofriendly, their teamwork skills, their civic skills, their art skills and their digital skills. Photos and short videos will be posted on the project Twinspace organised on 6 sections:

06 martie 2022
Let's Be Eco-Friendly (eTwinning project)


Made with our LOVE

February-May 2022

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Activity 5

Activity 6


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