Winter is the season filled with joy and happiness, when the earth is covered with a white blanket and jingling bells are heard everywhere. Winter looks like a fairy that comes in her sleigh pulled by silver reindeer and like a true Amazon takes over the earth. Although it is the coldest season of the year, winter is loved by people, especially by children, who are fond of playing in the snow, making snowmen and angels on the cold, glittering white snow making, or skating and skiing on the busy slopes.

          Winter is also that time of year when people become more generous, warmer and better.
The students in class 8A, joined the school volunteer project entitled "I Give Because I love" in order to support education in disadvantaged environments.

          Thus, we contributed to the collection of books, school supplies, toys and sweets that reached children from low income background through the parish priests in the neighborhoods.
           We have chosen to be part of this project and bring a little hope and comfort to those less fortunate on the Eve of the Christmas holiday.

20 decembrie 2021
I Give Because I Love


Made with our LOVE


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