Every November we come together to recognise the value of bringing the world into the classroom and celebrate international work in schools.
Celebrating GLOBAL EDUCATION WEEK aims to help children to understand the increasingly interdependent nature of the human world and to learn how to take a creative and responsible part in its life. It also wants them to be aware of the consequences of their choices- not only to themselves but also to those around them and those yet to come.
School No. 11 Botoșani has chosen to be, as always, part of this worldwide celebration, too. The project that our school designed for GLOBAL EDUCATION WEEK 2021 is called "The world is me!" and it starts from the idea of  VOLUNTEERING.
Starting from this idea, our class was involved in two actions:
        1. raising funds for the feeding of stray animals in shelters;
         2. the collection of PETs and their transport to the Kaufland collection center (see the photo gallery);
     Because we all love animals and consider them part of our families, we decided to have some fun.
     Thus, we made a collage of photos that captures our puppies and kittens in funny poses.
     We hope you'll enjoy it, at least as much as we did select the photos and create the collage.


Global Education Week:


"And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time."

Libba Bray, The Sweet Far Thing


22 noiembrie 2021


Made with our LOVE

Video Collage:


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